To begin your EconoVue search, click the ProspectVue tab at the top of your screen.
Choose Your Sector or Business
The Search tab offers two ways to select a group of businesses or a specific business:
1 Search By Term –
Use Basic Search if the company name, company type or NAICS code is already known. Simply type the information in the text box.
Use Advanced Search for additional search and filter options including Business Disruption, WARN, Disaster Zone, and Diversity searches.
2 Search By Industry
Use drop-down menus to select from a list of industry sectors and sub-sectors (organized by NAICs code.)
Choose Your Region
3 Choose from available map layers such as city, county, ZIP code or Workforce Development Area.
4 Click on the desired region to select it. Your search results will be displayed on the map and listed on the left side of your screen.
Note: to select more than one region, click Select Multiple Regions. Then click additional regions on the map.
Customize Your Data with Filters
9 Use the Filter menu to further refine your list to match your project goals. You can add filter layers based on:
- Company Size
- NAICs Code
- D&B Financial Stress Score
- D&B Material Change Score
Save Your Search Results
When your filtered search is complete, there are two ways to save the results for future use:
6 Begin by clicking Export/Import List.
Then choose from:
- Export to Spreadsheet to create a limited-field Excel spreadsheet for analysis purposes. (More details here.)
- Import to My Companies to save your data list containing all available data fields in your group's shared My Lists area. (See step-by-step instructions.)
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