Perhaps we were interested in searching for a company, or companies, that we might want to partner with for work based learning (such as apprenticeships, OJT or CTE), based upon an occupation or Career Pathway. ProspectVue has a search for that. It’s found in the top left hand corner, under the Career Pathways Tab.
Enter Career Pathway Criteria
1 Select Career Cluster
Use the drop-down menu to select from a list of Career Clusters. Be sure to click More Info to learn about the purpose of the search; how to use the search; as well as the various data sources used in this search.
2 Select Career Pathway
The next box populates with the Career Pathways tied to this Career Cluster. Use this drop-down menu to select one.
3 Select Occupation and click map to retrieve companies
This prompts the third dropdown to populate with all of the ONET codes or occupations associated with this career pathway.
Scrolling down the list, we see that some occupations are prefaced with an orange RA. This means that that is an Approved Registered Apprenticeship Occupation.
4 Examine the retrieved NAICS codes and Businesses
After selecting the occuption from the list and clicking the map, EconoVue quickly retrieves all of those companies in the NAICS codes most likely to employ that occupation.
A note on what just happened behind the scenes: the NAICS codes being selected are based on BLS Employment Patterns, dynamically retrieved from the CareerOneStop API. That is, EconoVue only pulls those NAICS codes in this region where 10% or more of the workers in this occupation are employed. After retrieving these NAICS codes, EconoVue then passes the codes to the Dun & Bradstreet database as criteria for retrieving companies in the region.
Filter By Registered Apprenticeship Sponsors
5 Filter by Registered Apprenticeship Sponsors
Scrolling down to the bottom of the Filter Box, we’ll find the Registered Apprenticeship Sponsor Filter. This filter will quickly tell us which of these companies has ever been a Registered Apprenticeship Sponsor, either currently or in the past.
If we select the first checkbox, we'll quickly see which companies are already associated with the Registered Apprenticeship Sponsor program. Alternatively, if we flip the filter, we can find all those who have never been sponsors, BUT they may be great targets for recruitment as Registered Apprenticeship sponsors.
View the statewide Eligible Training Provider List
6 Retrieve statewide Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) for selected occupation
Finally, if we go all the way to the top of the left column, we’ll see a link for the Eligible Training Provider List (or ETPL) for this specific occupation in the State. This link gets dynamically generated every time we select a new occupation. Clicking the link will open a pop-up which lists all of the Eligible Training Providers for that occupation in the State.
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